Here’s to Good Health #6: Spring Allergies

Paula McKinney


Every Spring as the trees bloom and pollen is released into the air, people who suffer from allergies begin to have watery eyes, sneezing, and sniffling. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), allergies (also known as hay fever) are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness.

Allergies occur when our immune system mistakes the pollen as a foreign invader and releases antibodies to attack it. When the antibodies attack, a chemical known as Histamine is released. Histamine is what causes the symptoms of allergies (itchy, watery eyes and runny nose) to occur.

Breezy days carry the pollen through the air and thus cause allergy symptoms to be increased, whereas rainy days cause a drop in pollen so allergy symptoms are decreased.

Your Primary Care Provider can properly diagnose and prescribe an allergy treatment/management plan to help in the care of allergies. Medications that they might prescribe include antihistamines and decongestants. If you or someone you know have symptoms of an allergy, consult a physicians for treatment.

Editor's Note

Paula is the VP Patient Care Services/Chief Nursing Officer at Woodlawn Hospital.
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