Woodlawn Medical Professionals

Rochester Medical Center
1400 E Ninth Street
Rochester, Indiana 46975

Medical Providers on Staff:

 Laurel Walton, DO, FACOOG

Phone: 574-223-2020

Family Practice OB
Omazonna Amadi, MD,
Brigitte R. Selio, MD

Phone: 574-223-2020

Family Medicine 
Kelsey Heckaman, FNP-C
Stephanie Weigt FNP-C

Phone: 574-223-2020

Jerrod Feldman, MD

Kevin Reyburn, MD
Janell Mulligan, FNP-C

Phone: 574-224-2020

Office Hours are:
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For an appointment, please call.

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